Sunday, September 21, 2008

Please don't drill, baby.

The US House of Reps just passed an energy bill last week (will the full concent of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats) that would allow offshore oil drilling.

Below is the text of an email I sent to our Ohio Senators. Feel free to cut and paste (and change) and send yourself (contact info below):



Please do not go along with the House on allowing more off-shore (or any other, for that matter) oil drilling. It will not reduce gas prices nor contribute significantly to energy independence. If anything will only provide false hope and prolong our problematic dependence on nonrenewable resources. This could only delay the eventual and inevitable shift to wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, and other sources of energy which are relatively environmentally benign. To do so would mean that this country would miss the opportunity of creating the thousands of jobs that would result from be the research and development of the technologies and industries that will come from this shift.

Please make the right decision, and oppose further drilling. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Nathan Ruggles


For Ohioans:

For others:

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