Friday, December 17, 2010

So Much Accomplished!

More funding for endless wars. Check.
Escalation of Afghan War. Check.
Taking military cuts off the table for deficit reduction. Check.
Inability to pass arms treaties. Check.
Closed-door meetings in the White House with CEOs. Check.
Taxpayer funding for massive giveaway to health insurance companies. Check.
Billions for banks (and not Americans threatened by foreclosure). Check.
Billions for corporations (and not small businesses and workers). Check.
Free trade agreements (that benefit corporations at the expense of workers and small business).  Check.
Continued tax cuts for the well-to-do. Check.
Tax cuts on the estate tax on millionaires. Check.
Continued tax cuts for the wealthy. Check.
Still more tax breaks for the wealthiest with their investment income. Check.
No climate change legislation. Check.
No immigration reform and more funding for border guards. Check.

Boy, they got a lot done in two years! At least the minority in Congress got scraps from the table on health care, unemployment, and tax breaks for the neediest. Don't worry, things will get better once Dems get the Congressional majority and we get McCain out of office.
Oh, wait a minute....

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