Thursday, October 1, 2009

Liberals Aren’t Un-American. Conservatives Aren’t Ignorant.

Liberals Aren’t Un-American. Conservatives Aren’t Ignorant.

I strongly believe in the need for better dialogue in our social and political world, especially in this country. I strongly believe there needs to be less extremism and more understanding. So therefore, I looked with interest to this article. Unfortunately, I almost didn't continue reading the article after Haidt disdain for the bumper stickers in the beginning of the article.

Speaking for myself, as well as many people I have known in the peace movement opposing the the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I would say that they strongly believe in the messages of “Support our troops—bring them home” and “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” If you believe that troops should only be sent into war under certain circumstances, in which the nation is threatened, then to support troops sent into an unjust war would be supporting them. If you believe that dissent is not only allowed but encouraged by democratic form of government -- historically and by principle -- then to express it using your First Amendment rights is indeed patriotic.

Haidt's apparent disbelief that these messages could be genuine -- when they indeed can -- points to a lack of understanding of the political view of people. This puts his entire enterprise into question.

Also, to divide people's beliefs up into such distinct and opposing groups, and maintaining generalist and stereotypical view towards all "liberals" and "conservatives" -- terms which do not adequately describe the diversity and complexity of political-ethical view in this country, a fact acknowledged by a good political scientist now for some years -- also calls into question that he has an adequate understanding of his subject.

Yet, I will nevertheless check out the websites mentioned. Though I will be considering them with a big grain of salt.

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