Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Presidential Vote

I have worked too hard opposing wars and supporting true health care reform to give my vote to anyone who repeatedly voted to fund the unjust horror and vows to unwisely escalate the unnecessary bloodshed, who proposes inadequate steps to ensure truly universal coverage while denigrating the real solution.

When it comes to politicians, you don't get what you don't ask for, insist on, or vote for.

I voted for the man who proclaims that which I believe, not to mention is the most qualified, possesses impeccible integrity, exhibits unmatched dedication, and has given more to this country and our lives than the major party candidates combined could ever hope to. I cast it with pride, and the bittersweet knowledge that there may well not be another candidate for president in my lifetime that embodies so much of the values of justice and peace that I hold dear.

That being said, I still wish Obama the best, hope for the best, and will give credit where credit is due.